50 Shades of Green


Draft National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity Farmer Workshop Meeting: Masterton

Tuesday 11th February
1:00pm – 4:00pm

Copthorne Solway, High Street, Masterton 

Indigenous Biodiversity Workshops
Throughout February B+LNZ is running a series of workshops (in collaboration with Federated Farmers) to help farmers understand the implications from the NPS on Indigenous Biodiversity and to provide advice on writing a submission.

Have your say:
The Government is currently consulting on a new draft National Policy Statement (NPS) for Indigenous Biodiversity with consultation closing on 14 March 2020. National Policy Statements are a tool the Government uses to set regulatory requirements across the country. The NPS for biodiversity is of particular relevance to sheep and beef farmers given the significant stands of native vegetation on our farms – some 2.8 million hectares according to research by the University of Canterbury.

Federated Farmers and B+LNZ have also produced a joint factsheet about the NPS for Indigenous Biodiversity, which summarises the key changes and their likely impacts for farmers.

Find out more:
Read the Federated Farmers/B+LNZ factsheet on the draft NPS for Indigenous Biodiversity.

To Register:
All welcome to attend. 
To register for the workshop please email lauren.cameron@beeflambnz.com